Join Us. Together We Stand for a Safer Community

Post Fireworks Litter Pick-up at Stone Arch, Guthrie, Boom Island and Father Hennepin Park Beginning at 9:00 AM
We will join Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Community Events Manager Aaron Briner to do litter pick-up after the 4th of July Roverfront Fireworks. Join us at 9:00 AM as we go from the Stone Arch o the Guthrie to Boom Island to Father Hennepin Park to beautify this wonderful Riverfront spots. Gloves, bags, and picjers will be provided but please feel free to bringyour own if you prefer. Please RSVP to Aileen at fritzdoris@comcast

Tour of US Courthouse at 1:30 PM - Meet Outside of Building at 1:15 PM
Have you ever walked by the US Courthouse and wondered what goes on inside? The US Courthouse Building houses the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, EPA, Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Attorneys, Bankruptcy Court, District Court of Minnesota (Probation, Public Defender, Pretrial Services), Marshals Service, Secret Service, and Trustee Program. Join us on this informative tour and learn more about this branch of our judicial system. The US Courthouse is located at 300 S. 4th Street. Please RSVP to Aileen at fritzdoris@comcast.net if you plan to attend as it helps with the planning.

Overview and Discussion with Minneapolis Community Safety Commissioner Todd Barnette
Commissioner Barnette leads and directs the Minneapolis Office of Community Safety (OCS) including management of five departments: Police, Fire, 911, Emergency Management, and Neighborhood Safety. He fosters a comprehensive approach to community safety in Minneapolis with a focus on strengthening internal partnership between the five safety departments; collaborating closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies; and coordinating with external businesses and community leaders to address any emerging safety issues. We will meet in the Lobby of 250 S 4th St at 12:45 PM before our 1:00 PM Overview and Discussion with Commissioner Barnette. Seating for this event is expected to fill quickly so please RSVP to Aileen at fritzdoris@comcast.net to reserve your spot.

Tour of the MPD Crime Labs and Discussion with the Investigators and Technicians Who Work in Them
Director Shannon Johnson leads the MPD Crime Lab Teams. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to learn about the work of the crime labs and to understand how they provide expert assistance in areas such as such as fingerprinting, ballistics and computer-based evidence. We will meet in the Lobby of the Public Services Building at 505 4th Ave S at 12:45 PM before our 1:00 PM Tour led by Director Shannon Johnson and members of her team. This extraordinary event is expected to fill quickly so please RSVP to Aileen at fritzdoris@comcast.net to reserve your spot.

911 Tour - Meet at Father of the Waters Statue in City Hall
THis is an outstanding opportunity to learn all about 911 Operations. We will learn about how 911 works with MPD, HCSO, Fire, and other agencies. We will have the opportunity to speak with call takers and fire and police dispatchers and to watch them handle 911 calls. We will meet at City Hall on 315 Fourth Street South to enter the main City Hall lobby. We will meet in front of the Father of the Waters statue. It weighs 14,000 pounds and is hard to miss but if you get lost it is ok and you can text me and I will help you. Some safety walkers have asked if we can bring treats for our 911 friends and yes, we surely can. Please RSVP to Aileen at fritzdoris@comcast.net. Please arrive at 12:45 PM and wear your orange t-shirt to show your neighborhood pride.

Tour of Park Police and Park Board Headquarters with Chief Jason Ohotto
We will meet at the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Headquarters Building at 2117 West River Rd N at 12:45 PM for our 1:00 PM tour. In addition to being Chief of the Minneapolis Park Police, Jason Ohotto is a recognized historian of the Minneapolis Parks system. It will be a fun and informative morning with a behind-the-scenes tour of the Headquarters Building. We will learn about the fascinating and colorful characters who imagined our parks system and how it became one of the most prized park systems in the nation. Please RSVP to Aileen at fritzdoris@comcast.net if you plan to attend.

Date TBA
Overview of the Implementation Team and Q&A with Assistant City Attorney Jamison Whitingat City Hall
We have been invited by Assistant City Attorney Jamison Whiting to visit his Office this August and learn more about the Implementation Team and its work. This is an excellent opportunity for us to improve our knowledge of this year-old Department. Mr Whiting will share key messages with us that we can then use to educate ourselves and accurately inform others. Seating for this civic event is limited and it is expected that this event will fill quickly. Please RSVP to Aileen at fritzdoris@comcast.net as soon as possible if you would like to attend.